West Chadsmoor Family Centre

Organisation Contact Details
Aims & Activities
West Chadsmoor Family Centre offers services to help families in the Cannock Chase area.
We offer childcare activities for parent and child. These include Baby Buddies for parents and their newborns. To build relationships, break isolation and have peer support. Our Peep parenting programme helps families understand the needs of their child aand how to support that and play and stay gives families the chance to have some social time with other families.
For the adults we have a parents support group and a community support worker who does one to one with families who are in need of a little extra help.
Lastly we are supporting the food poverty crises by offering a community table every week and we are also providing hampers to needy families who are in crises. The numbers are high on this at present.
Main Address
98-100, Princess Street, Chadsmoor, Staffordshire, WS11 5JT, United Kingdom
Main Tel Number
01543 571698
Main Email Address
West Chadsmoor Family Centre

Offering services to help families in the Cannock Chase area. We offer childcare...

Quality Assured Provider
West Chadsmoor Family Centre
Quality Assured Provider Volunteering Role